18 June 2014
This morning I took Brandon on a fishing charter. The wind was blowing from the west and we had nice water while that lasted. Then the wind direction shifted and started blowing strong from the south. The jigs we threw caught a few small specks and weakfish. We dropped a live Pinfish alongside a piling and Brandon hooked up with something large but it broke the hook leader and came off. I tried vertical jigging a jerk shad and hooked a nice 18-inch trout. A few croakers came on board, but that was it.
Brandon and I headed in to pick up his wife Abby and their four children for an afternoon soundside adventure. I decided that the water was too rough to go to "Pelican Island" so we took a tour of Wanchese Harbor, and later checked the crab pots I had set out in Broad Creek.
From there, we traveled north and watched the folks parasailing, with Jockey's Ridge in the background. After that we tried a little bottom fishing. Everyone had fun reeling in croakers, Pigfish, Pinfish, sea mullet, and a flounder.
- Weakfish (grey trout)
- Spotted seatrout (speckled trout)
- Summer flounder
- Northern kingfish (sea mullet)
- Atlantic croaker
- Pigfish
- Pinfish