8 November 2014
Columbia High School's Wildcat Anglers ➤
This morning we did a little research on the Kingfisher. I provided a pay-for-expenses-only trip for one of my students at Columbia High School. Taylor's graduation project topic is the evolution of sportfishing techniques from past to present.
As part of his product, he went fishing with me for rockfish (Striped bass). He will use what he learned today in his paper. His friend Ashley came along as photographer while my friend Stewart and I provided equipment and technical assistance.
Despite a full moon the night before, smooth water, and no current (all adverse conditions), we caught 15 fish with six of them big enough for the cooler. Taylor caught a majority of the fish and four of the keepers. Ashley reeled in the others. All fish were caught trolling using a variety of baits. At dockside, Stewart gave a lesson on filleting fish.
It was a great morning on the water and I give Taylor an "A" in reeling in fish.