29 June 2013
It was 4:30 AM and the sky was on fire. A wicked thunderstorm was doing its thing as it sat directly over my roof. I called Gordon and told him that we better postpone our trip for an hour or two. It was a good call.
I eventually met up with Gordon, his two sons Winston and Wesley and his two grandsons Jordan and Dylan. Gordon is married to Theresa, a woman that I work with and this trip was a gift from her to him. It was a great trip.
We hooked up and lost a few fish before Dylan finally broke the ice with a nice 17-inch speckled trout. We picked away at them and caught one or two fish at each stop. The winds continued to pick up and the sky started looking dark again. We made a move where Jordan proceeded to school the boat on how to catch fish. He caught five trout there with two nice ones for the cooler. We finally got run off the water by a big storm.
I didn't count but we caught a bunch of trout and kept five nice ones for the broiler. We also caught some Bluefish, croakers, and an Oyster toadfish.
It was a good trip and I had a really nice time hanging out on the boat with you. It was cool to have three generations of anglers on board.
Book an Outer Banks fishing charter!