20 October 2012
On Saturday I wanted to see if there were any more Sheepshead at the Oregon Inlet Bridge.
I stopped at one point and cast to a few puppy drum. They were all close to 16 inches. When I got to the bridge, I tried casting grubs but the water was muddy and I had no luck.
I set up for Sheepshead and, although the bite was slow, I landed 11 fish. Six were close to 2 pounds. I looked around for some trout but found none. They were all at the "Little Bridge" (Melvin R. Daniels Bridge). They caught hundreds of nice trout there while I was on the boat.
21 October 2012
I went to the Little Bridge on Sunday but the winds had turned around and was blowing hard out of the North. There were about 40 anglers and I saw about 15-20 trout caught over 4 hours—not by me! I hooked one but it came off. I should have been there yesterday. I will stay after them and let you know the results.