14 July 2012
Today I took JoAnna, Ben, Josh, Connor, and Ella from PA on a fishing charter.
We were going to cast for trout, but, as I headed to a favorite spot, I noticed giant clouds pouring rain exactly where we were going. After a few moves, I needed to get the kids on some fish and I rigged up some bait rods. We caught a bunch of fish and picked up close to 20 Blue crabs as well.
You kids are great anglers and have excellent manners. JoAnna, you have this fishing thing down. Ben, I want to know what culinary delights you made from the catch!
- Spotted seatrout
- Weakfish
- Spadefish
- Bluefish
- Black drum
- Atlantic croaker
- Spot
- Southern kingfish
- Pigfish
- Pinfish
- Oyster toadfish
- Blue crab