14 October 2012
Today was a beautiful day to be on the water.
I found a point of land where the water flowed around it, creating a rip with an eddy behind it. I moved around a bit and after the fourth anchor, I found the spot. I caught 8 puppy drum, 4 specks, 14 Atlantic croakers, Pigfish, Pinfish, and 2 stingrays. I caught all of the trout and drum on a 5 ½-foot ultralight spinning outfit using artificials. The drag was screaming all day. A few of the drum were over 18 inches and I kept one for dinner.
All of the croakers are in the canal, alive and well and waiting to be fed to some rockfish.
- Red drum (puppy drum)
- Spotted seatrout (specks)
- Atlantic croaker
- Atlantic stingray
- Pinfish
- Pigfish