18 July 2013
I went on an evening fishing charter with Chris and Ryan.
I rigged Chris up with my fly rod and he worked it very well despite the windy conditions. I set Ryan up with a seven foot ultra-light outfit and he fished hard with it. No dice!
I headed to deeper water and got out the jigging rods. It was very slow until the last hour and a half of daylight. The fishing picked up considerably and the guys ended up with their limits of nice specks. Ryan caught a beautiful Red drum also. It had multiple tail spots in a cool pattern. We released it after taking photographs.
Both of these guys never stopped casting until it was too dark to tie knots. When I said "Last cast", Chris asked Ryan what that meant to him. His reply was: "Four more casts". I loved that. Any die hard angler knows that "last cast" means that if a fish bites, it is actually the last cast. If not, several more casts are in order. These guys are welcome back on the Kingfisher anytime!
- Spotted seatrout (speckled trout)
- Red drum
- Striped bass
- Atlantic croaker
- Oyster toadfish