Week of 2 July 2018
We enjoyed beautiful weather this week and got out on the water every day. A treat for those visiting the beach for Independence Day.
The fishing has picked up a little and Weakfish started showing up in the catches. These fish hit hard and there is no mistaking their bite. Their population numbers are low and the possession limits are strict. You may keep one fish that is a minimum of twelve inches long. They do seem to be recovering a bit, which is good because they make a tasty meal.
In addition to fishing, there were many successful visits to some of the isolated sound islands where kids found Hermit crabs, Blue crabs, mullet, and minnows. On a few trips, we got good looks at jelly fish with three-foot-long, beautiful pink tentacles drift by while we anchored. One day we had a baby sea turtle surface right next to the boat. It was no more than 12 inches across and so cute.
There have been some big schools of baitfish (probably Menhaden) swimming in the sound and the Brown pelicans have been having a field day on them. They could be seen diving in almost any direction you looked. Atlantic bottlenose dolphins appeared on most trips as we cruised to and from the boat ramp. It was a fun week!
- Weakfish (grey trout)
- Bluefish
- Sheepshead
- American croaker
- Spot
- Pigfish
- Pinfish
- Black seabass
- Northern kingfish (sea mullet)
- Atlantic sting ray
- Black tip shark (babies)