9 July 2013
Today I took Matt, his son Charlie, and cousin Chris on a fishing charter. My goal was to put Matt on some speckled trout with his fly rod. Mission accomplished and it didn't take long. He had a hit and missed, another hit and hooked up but lost it at the boat. A couple more casts with his Clouser minnow fly and he had another trout on. This one came into the boat. We probably could have caught several more but storms were brewing and lightning was in the distance. We moved to a safer spot and put the fly rod away. We ended the day casting grubs with good success. Charlie was a master angler by the time he left the boat.
It was a great day, folks. I hope you enjoyed eating your fish.
- Spotted seatrout (speckled trout or specks)
- Black drum
- Sheepshead
- Atlantic croaker
- Spot
- Pinfish
- Channel catfish
- Oyster toadfish
- Large stingray for awhile