15 June 2015
Weekend Fishing Report
The fishing in the sound has been tough but fish are being caught. The water has been muddy and extremely grassy. The bite changes with the wind and that is standard operating procedure when it comes to fishing on the Outer Banks.
I will lump a few trips from the weekend together for this report, including ones from several Kid's Soundside Adventures.
We have seen loads of dolphins and nesting Ospreys; gathered and released hundreds of Hermit crabs; gotten close to a huge variety of bird life; and caught crabs and fish. Some days were better than others but the list of species is impressive.
The best thing about these trips for me is watching the families get excited about seeing the OBX from the soundside. I get to share a day with people who appreciate what the area has to offer. Most of them have never seen the backside of Bodie Island Lighthouse and it always impresses. The private dolphin cruise, which is included in every charter, always makes everyone smile and is a regular occurrence on the Outer Banks sounds. On our visits to Wanchese Harbor, everyone enjoyed the fish houses and boat building sheds, which is new to most passengers.
I feel fortunate to be able to spend time with these folks and thank them for giving me the opportunity.
Saltwater Catch
- Northern searobin
- Northern puffer
- Southern kingfish
- Summer flounder
- Bluefish
- Atlantic croaker
- Atlantic stingray
- Pigfish
- Pinfish
- Weakfish (grey trout)