19 November 2014
Columbia High School's Wildcat Anglers »
Today the Columbia High School Wildcat Anglers received a lesson in rod repair from TW’s Bait and Tackle shop in their Nags Head store. Two students, Dustin and E.J., met me at the store where Nathan (tackle technician and excellent teacher) taught the boys how to repair a broken rod tip and how to rewrap a broken guide. It was a great lesson and both boys fixed up several rods while there. They will now take their new skills and run a clinic at school where they will teach other members of the fishing club how to do the same types of repairs.
Terry, owner of TW’s, with the help of Joann Brake set up a donation of approximately 30 rod and reels that have some slight defects. After the club repairs as much as we can, we will put together as many outfits as possible.
This is the equipment that the club will ultimately go fishing with. It will also be used to teach casting skills. TW’s graciously added repair parts, glues, and threads that is necessary for proper fixes.
Columbia High School and the Wildcat Anglers wish to thank Terry, Joann, Nathan, and Seth for the donations of merchandise, repair parts, time, and experience. It will all be put to good use and to take some kids fishing.