22 January 2015
Columbia High School's Wildcat Anglers »
The club had a meeting this week. One thing on the agenda was a small workshop on rod tip repair. It was put on by Dustin C. He demonstrated the technique and then stood nearby and tutored other students as they tried their hand at the process.
This entire activity was made possible by a very generous donation of equipment from TW's Bait and Tackle®, which is located in Nags Head, NC. In a previous post, I described how the business gave the club a bunch of rods, reels, tackle boxes, and tackle. They also included a bunch of stuff with slight defects—broken rod tips, broken guides, and broken reels. The idea was to use these for training. Nathan from TW's taught Dustin and provided him with lots of spare tips, eyes, glue, and wrapping thread. Dustin shared this with the rest of the club and other members gave it a try.