16 July 2014
Today I was out on a soundside adventure with Chuck, Dianne, Daniel, and Chelsea from New Jersey.
This was their first visit to the Outer Banks. I picked them up at the boat ramp and after we came around the bottom of the island, the full effect of a strong SW wind was upon us. There were nothing but whitecaps as far as you could see. They were agreeable to a change in plans which amounted to a tour of Wanchese Harbor and a couple of hours of bottom fishing in a protected area. We had a great time doing this. Daniel was thrilled as he had never caught any kind of saltwater fish before. It was a strong, steady bite of assorted species. Of course, a large stingray was a big hit. He got a lesson in how to bring in a big fish with a little rod. He fought it like an expert!

This families' love of nature stood out and it was awesome to see. They got excited about every fish, bird, dolphin, and oyster shell that we encountered. I hope to have them on board again in the future.
I hope you enjoyed your new vacation spot on the Outer Banks!