25 June 2015
Fishing Report
We sailed off today on an OBX kid's soundside fishing charter. These are my favorite trips!
The weather was nice and the water surface was calm as it usually is in the sound. We stopped and anchored on a spot and caught a burrfish. These odd-looking puffers bite so soft that TC was surprised to see a fish on his line. We got surrounded by thick grass and moved to better water.
We put in the lines and it was "croaker madness" for two solid hours. The kids were on fire and so were mom and dad. We caught at least a hundred and quite a few were nice ones—more than enough for a meal of fish tacos.
We cruised by "Pelican Island" where there were some young birds in the nests.
The hermit crabbing was great and we pulled two crab pots just to study how it is done and learn a little about Blue crabs.
It was an entertaining, educational trip and everything we caught today was released unharmed (even the fish). Thanks for sharing your family with me, Chris.
Saltwater Catch
- Pigfish
- Bluefish
- Spot
- Atlantic croaker
- Striped burrfish

Contact me if you are interested in having fun on an OBX kid's soundside fishing charter.