21 June 2012
Nick and Dan from VA were out on a fishing charter with me today. We started out by casting for trout. We were successful. The guys both caught some fish for awhile and then we changed things up.
They had mentioned that they would like to catch a shark. We made a run to Oregon Inlet and then out in the ocean to the area of the sea buoy. We threw out a chum bag and drifted with hopes of encountering some sharks. We had one really nice run that doubled over the boat rod we had out. We didn't hook up and that was the only action we had except for a Bluefish that Nick caught casting jigs.
On the way in we stopped by the channel markers and cast for Cobia with no luck. We did get a really nice look at a Loggerhead sea turtle while out there.
It was a great day on the water and these guys fished hard.
- Bluefish
- Spotted seatrout