17 July 2013
I did an evening fishing trip with Betsy, John, Jet, and Van.
We were trying to beat the heat. We started with a little bottom fishing and caught mostly croakers. I rigged up a couple of trout rods and provided instruction on how to use it. It didn't take long before we had some small specks coming in.
As the sun set lower on the horizon, the bite got better and the fish got bigger. Jet and Van were fishing machines. They kept me hopping. All John could talk about was several ways to prepare his fish and Betsy had the most awesome game face ever. She was serious about fishing.
We ended up with a nice catch of speckled trout, Striped bass, and Red drum. A good haul for this kind of weather.
- Spotted seatrout (speckled trout or specks)
- Red drum
- Striped bass
- Atlantic croaker
- Pinfish
- Spot
- Bluefish