Sound and Ocean
❝Puppy drum and Spotted seatrout (speckled trout or specks) are normal targets but we will often encounter Bluefish. Bluefish are aggressive, hard fighters, and a blast to catch on light tackle. An equal mix of artificial and natural baits are my first choices.
To cover large areas, we will drift or troll. With the wind or the electric trolling motor, the Kingfisher will drag baits at different depths to attract a wide variety of sound fish.
Techniques vary but I prefer casting light-tackle equipment to actively feeding fish.
Sometimes we troll with the electric motor or gasoline engine and pull a spread of artificial lures. Although this technique is last on our list, it can be effective for certain species at certain times of the year: Spanish mackerel in the summer and Striped bass (rockfish) in the winter. At any time while drifting or trolling, we might stop to cast or jig for concentrations of fish.
Another method is chumming. I will release a bag of ground or chopped fish that I tie off to a boat cleat. Oils and bits of meat slowly flow into the water and create a chum slick that stretches far beyond the boat. Game fish of all kinds are attracted to this source. We often try to chum for Cobia, Bluefish, and mackerel. Many times fish will follow the slick close to the boat and present casting opportunities. It is exciting to see a Cobia or Spanish mackerel hit a lure or bait near the boat.
During a normal fishing trip, we will use several methods; I will do whatever it takes to ensure your success. Most of the tackle is light- to medium-weight spinning or bait-casting rigs. I carry heavier stuff when it is called for.
You will have access to nice-quality equipment but feel free to bring a favorite rod. One personal rod per angler please.
Fly rod anglers are always welcome. The front and back decks have loads of room for casting and stripping.
I cannot and do not give a guarantee that we will catch a fish—I wish I could. There are days when we may get skunked, no fish at all. However, those days are uncommon. It will never be because I did not try as hard as I could to put you on the fish. I promise to try hard and find what you are looking for. Contact me to learn more about my Outer Banks fishing techniques.❞