These are some non-target species you might catch during an Outer Banks fishing charter.

We target Spotted seatrout (speckled trout or specks), flounder, Black drum, Bluefish, Striped bass (rockfish), Weakfish, Atlantic croakers, and Red drum but usually catch other species as well.

On any fishing trip, expect to hook recreational by catch such as Pigfish, Pinfish, toadfish, skates, stringrays, puffers, Blue crabs, Lizardfish, burrfish, searobins, and more.

You never know what we will catch!

It is fun to quickly inspect these species, take photos, and release them unharmed back into the water.

Striped burrfish
Striped burrfish
Northern searobin
Northern searobin
Oyster toadfish

The huge jaw muscles on this fish allow it to crush its prey. During spawning, people often mistaken the sounds that this species produces as a foghorn.

Oyster toadfish
Silver perch
Silver perch
Blue crab
Blue crab
American eel
American eel
Northern puffer
Northern puffer
Spotted Eagle Ray
Spotted Eagle Ray
Atlantic stingray
Atlantic stingray
Cownose ray
Cownose ray
Clearnose skate
Clearnose skate
To learn more about fishing for recreational by catch, contact Captain Gene.