Kid's Soundside Adventure »
An Outer Banks boating adventure around our sounds presents a perfect opportunity to instill a love of the water in your children and grandchildren. Boating, fishing, crabbing, and sightseeing are educational and fun for everyone.
The sounds between the mainland and the barrier islands are ideal for exploring. The water is usually calm and full of things to do. There is always a boat ramp to launch from that will keep us out of the wind. The Kid's Soundside Adventure is a great way to introduce children to some fun on the water. All emphasis is put on having a positive, enjoyable water experience.
Fishing is the focal point and the sounds have an abundance of fish to catch. These waters serve as breeding and egg laying areas for multiple species, including prey species such as Striped or White mullet (jumping mullet), Atlantic menhaden, and Silverside minnows, plus predators such as Red drum, seatrout, and Striped bass. The potential for catching some kind of fish is high on most days. Of course, many fish are not glamorous sportfish but rather the more common but plentiful types. The Atlantic croaker, Spot, Pigfish, Pinfish, and sea mullet are most commonly caught. Add skates, stingrays, and toadfish to the list as well. These fish and many others give ample opportunities for young anglers to learn and practice the skills they will need to be successful at fishing for the rest of their lives.

Kids can lose interest in things, so variety is what we offer. The Kid's Soundside Adventure can be whatever the children wish it to be.
We can stop fishing and look for dolphins or maybe take a side trip that allows us leave the boat and wade in shallow water while we search for hermit crabs.

We can throw out baited lines and try to net Blue crabs while we watch Brown pelicans come and go from their giant nesting colony. We can go and have lunch on the boat while we watch people parasail in the sky with Jockey’s Ridge sand dune in the background. Pulling crab pots and fish pots is another option. We will do what it takes to keep the kids interested.

Looking for fun and educational things to do at the Outer Banks? Join me on a Kid's Soundside Adventure where you and your children can fish and explore Oregon Inlet or the sounds behind Nags Head and Manteo.
Please accept this invitation to book a trip with Sawgrass Guide Service for an exciting water experience for the entire family.