Sun Exposure
❝Sunlight enters our atmosphere as ultra-violet radiation—even on cloudy days. Too much of this radiation can cause skin cells to mutate and sometimes cause cancer. The natural tanning process can help control this but only to a certain degree.
Boaters get exposed to both direct sunlight from space and reflected sunlight from the water.
The sun's rays can be dangerous so please come prepared. The best protection is to cover up; I suggest that you wear a hat, long-sleeved shirt, long shorts, and polarized sunglasses.
Also, a good quality sunscreen is a must. Use a lotion with sun protection factor (SPF) 30 or lower. Remember that the SPF number on the bottle does not indicate strength; these numbers define the relative length of effectiveness. For example, an SPF of 30 will work twice as long as an SPF of 15. Sunscreens with a high SPF will leave an orange stain on clothing, furniture, car upholstery, and boat interiors.
Bring sunscreen lotion with SPF 30 or lower. No aerosols or sprays, please. Aerosols and sprays coat other passengers, fishing gear, and the interior of a boat. These products make the deck and seats slippery and leave an orange stain that remains for months.

Do you have questions about sun exposure while on the boat? Feel free to contact me.❞